The Gilbert and Sullivan Company of El Paso (G&S El Paso) is committed to producing and presenting the operettas of W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan, along with other collaborative works by either of these luminaries, to the general public. G&S El Paso is dedicated to enhancing the cultural climate and theater appreciation of audiences of all ages, races, traditions and socio-economic backgrounds from the El Paso, Texas, Juárez, Mexico and Las Cruces, New Mexico region.
Our Story
The Gilbert and Sullivan Company of El Paso (G&S El Paso) was founded in late 1969 by its first artistic director, Joan Quarm, and presented its first operetta, Patience, in the spring of 1970. G&S El Paso had its beginnings in the Upstairs Theater Downtown and moved to the Chamizal National Memorial Park Theater in 1980. Every summer for over a quarter of a century, the company presented a major production at the Chamizal showcasing local talent.
For part of the 2006 season and all the 2007-2010 seasons, the company staged its shows at the historic Scottish Rite Theater in downtown El Paso. In 2011, the company returned to the Chamizal Theater, which has graciously supported our performances at very little cost.
The Las Cruces, New Mexico area has also adopted our group and its style of Gilbert and Sullivan performances. Since 2004 we have performed our summer shows at the Black Box Theatre, located in the downtown mall, for very appreciative audiences.
For many years, The Gilbert and Sullivan Company of El Paso have presented the fruits of the collaboration of W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan. These operettas continue to entertain audiences since their original performances over 125 years ago.
Board of Directors
President: Marsha J. Watley
Vice President: Mitch Wilson
Treasurer/Artistic Director: Stephanie J. Conwell
Secretary: Jessica McKay
Music Director: Marsha J. Watley
Marketing: Irene Rivas
Social Media: Sarah Nell
Social Media/Sets: Tristan Chavez-Poeschel
Sets: John Wiebe
Recruitment: Daniel Maciel
At Large: Toni Blum
At Large: Eve Williams
Webmaster: Jessica McKay